Instead of spending money on advertising, why not you aim to get organic traffic instead? I have a blog right now that's monetizing through Adsense - but I did not spend a single cent to advertise - all I did was to create articles based on many of these long tailed keywords (keywords that contain 3 or more words). These long tailed keywords have very little competition - so if you were to optimize your article based on these long tailed keywords, chances are you'll get ranked in the top 10 listings in the major search engines, and you'll get truckloads of traffic.
I currently have a blog that's getting truckloads of traffic from Google search engines - by just having articles that target long tailed keywords.
One thing I'd like to remind you also is that people nowadays are "trainned" to skip ad portions - so in order to reap maximum benefits from Adsense, you must make sure that your ads "blend" into your text - meaning you have to have a way to actually "embed" your ads within your texts and links - so people do not actually "realise" those are actually ads - and the likelihood of them clicking on them is much, much higher. When I first started in Adsense, I didn't know all these - and I didn't even manage to make a single cent on Adsense! - I learnt alot from Joel Comm from his book called Adsense Secrets (its actually an ebook) that really taught me lots of tips and tricks on how to monetize from Adsense - including numerous tips on how to make my Adsense modules "blend" into my text - it's really good! you may want to check it out -
Hope you'll find this help useful. I seriously would advise you against using PPC traffic to get people to your site for the purpose of them clicking on the Adsense ads. It's really not worth the money. Instead, go for the long term, write articles based on long tail keywords and get traffic from Search Engines the organic way. Cheers! :)
You go through Adwords to pay for ads. You set up your own budget for the amount you want to spend daily and per click. You have to play with it until you pay enough to get it near the top or at least on the first page of results.
If you are planning on using adwords to get traffic to click on your adsense ads I think it is illegal so you should check the program policies.
Jono is right accept is that you can still use adwords to send traffic to your adsense sites under these conditions
-your site has to include content that has valuable information regarding the subject you advertise in google adwords
-also prevent use words such as "click here" and "visit our sponsors"...etc
However there are better way to bring traffic to your adsense sites other than spending money on google adwords which is by using Blog, squidoo, in fact using this yahoo answer is enough, just create a site about specific subject for example Golf , and go look for question regarding Golf at yahoo answer , answer them and put your link for free
I recommend you to invest time in learning how to make serious income using google adsense from expertise in this subject , I found Joel Comm is the best resource to start also he has just release his new ebook last month teaching people how to use adsense and make serious income from it the book called "Adsense Secrets 4".
also learning how to use yahoo answer is a great way to bring free traffic to your sites.
I have left below two links for your references one about yahoo answer other about Joel Comm ebook
I hope this help
The program is free, and combines pay-per-click and pay-per-impression advertising - meaning you get paid for valid clicks on the ads on your site or search results pages as well as impressions on your content pages.
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