
How to know which blog is registered for adsense?

I have several blogs on blogger. I recently signed up for google adsense and now forgot which blog i had registerd for adsense. I tried loggin in with my account,but no such details are thre. Is thre any way to find it? Pls help me.

It does not matter.

Once you have been approved and given a publisher ID, you can use it on any number of different websites or blogs.

Regards, Zyfert


I use separate channels for each ad block. If you just want to monitor the page as a whole copy the URL of the page, and in channels tab click URL channels then add the URL.

http://googleadsensesecretblog.blogspot.com/ http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20071201064553AAa5NUn&kid=TZhTLUTJFFl2rAmYL.hq&s=comm&date=2009-02-18+10%3A58%3A41&.crumb=

It does not matter how many blogs you have..Once you generate the ad codes just place them on your blogs and they will be automatically located as your code is in each ad.

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